Develco News


Wir sind sehr stolz darauf, dass alle unsere Lernenden, die eine Lehre absolviert haben, diese erfolgreich bestanden haben. Das Schwitzen und die Mühe haben sich ausgezahlt – eure harte Arbeit und euer Engagement haben zu diesem Erfolg geführt.

Das gesamte Develco-Team gratuliert euch herzlich und wünscht euch viel Erfolg auf eurem weiteren Weg. Macht weiter so und verwirklicht eure Ziele! 🙌 👩‍🎓 👨‍🎓 🍾 !



Letzten Freitag war es wieder so weit – unser Informationsnachmittag fand wieder statt, bei dem wir unsere Mitarbeitende über die wichtigsten Themen, Änderungen und Neuigkeiten informiert haben.

Es ist immer wieder eine tolle Gelegenheit, sich gegenseitig auszutauschen.

Gemeinsam konnten wir den Nachmittag in entspannter Atmosphäre ausklingen lassen. 



We are excited to announce our participation at CPHI 2024 in Milan on Oct. 8-10!

We are thrilled to be joining forces at this year’s event, showcasing our drug delivery solutions in the pharmaceutical industry.
Visit us at our shared booth 18D2 to explore how our expertise may help drive your business forward.

Let’s connect, collaborate, and create value in healthcare together. We look forward to meeting you in person!
📅 Save the date: Oct 8-10, 2024
📍 Location: Booth 18D2, Pavilion: Contract manufacturing, Fiera Milano, Italy
CPHI2024 Develco collaboration #milan innovation #develco #pharma #motivation #welcome #journey #success



We are excited about our new interactive company brochure! Want to know how we are improving the health and quality of life of ADHD and pain patients worldwide? Then take a look! Did you know that our strengths are innovative extended-release or modified-release formulations for generic active ingredients? Thank you to JSSchweiz for realizing this brochure with us!

Click here for the interactive brochure


Wir freuen uns über unsere neue interaktive Unternehmensbroschüre! Sie möchten wissen, wie wir die Gesundheit und Lebensqualität von ADHS- und Schmerz-Patienten weltweit verbessern? Dann schauen Sie rein! Wussten Sie, dass unsere Stärke in neuartigen Formulierungen für generische Wirkstoffe mit verlängerter oder modifizierter Freisetzung liegt? Danke an JSSchweiz für die gemeinsame Realisierung unserer Broschüre!

Hier geht es zur interaktiven Broschüre


We did it!
The relocation to Birsfelden is now history and the entire #Teamdevelco is looking forward highly motivated.
Our Heads of Analytical and Galenical Development as well as Quality Control said goodbye to their old offices in Pratteln and Schopfheim and are now also based in Birsfelden. Welcome!

#teamdevelco #develco #pharma #relocation #motivation #welcome #successstory #journey #success



Ketabon GmbH, a joint venture between HMNC Brain Health and Develco Pharma Schweiz AG, shares top-line results from the Phase 2 Trial KET01-02 ( of prolonged-release oral ketamine treatment for Treatment-Resistant Depression (TRD), suitable for take-at-home treatment.
The lead asset, KET01, induced a rapid and sustained improvement in depressive symptoms, combined with good tolerability, notably with minimal signs of dissociation. This innovation has the potential to transform the management of TRD, by providing an efficient and well-tolerated treatment alternative.
We thank the clinical researchers across Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic, as well as the patients participating in this study.
For more details on the transformative potential of KET01, visit our website:



Wir sind dabei!
Wie verhalte ich mich richtig im Straßenverkehr? Die kindgerechte Beantwortung dieser
Frage haben sich die Verkehrswacht Schopfheim e.V. und der K&L Verlag zum Ziel gesetzt und ein leichtverständliches Malbuch für Mädchen und Jungen im Kindergarten- und
Grundschulalter herausgegeben. Wir finden: Das ist eine gute Sache!
Deshalb unterstützen wir das Projekt
Mit vielen auszumalenden Bildern bereitet das Buch die Kinder spielerisch auf die Gefahren
und das richtige Verhalten im Straßenverkehr vor. Leicht verständlich kommentiert und
erläutert die Schildkröte Sammy auf 36 Seiten die verschiedenen Situationen. So lernen die Kinder die Ampel kennen, erfahren, wann ein Fahrrad verkehrssicher ist oder warum ein Helm wichtig ist. Gleichzeitig können Pädagogen, Erzieher und Eltern die Abbildungen mit den Kindern besprechen und üben.
Mithilfe der Unterstützung vieler örtlicher Unternehmen können die Mal- und Arbeitsbücher kostenlos an die Kindergarten- und Grundschulkinder in der Stadt Schopfheim ausgegeben werden. Ein Engagement, dem wir uns sehr gerne anschließen.
Möchten Sie mehr über das Projekt erfahren? Hier finden Sie weitere Informationen:


Develco Pharma and HMNC Brain Health announce last patient being randomized in oral prolonged-release ketamine trial for Treatment-Resistant Depression!

An increasing number of people suffer from depression. It is very important to help and support these people. We are proud to announce that Develco, together with HMNC Brain Health, randomized the last patient in its proof-of-concept Phase II clinical trial of ‘Ketabon’ (KET01), an oral prolonged-release ketamine formulation for Treatment-Resistant Depression.
„The goal with KET01 is to improve the lives of patients who are not responding to standard antidepressant therapies, as well as to provide a well-tolerated antidepressant with substantially limited dissociative side effects,” said Dr. Hans Eriksson, Chief Medical Officer at HMNC Brain Health.
For more detailed information, please have a look at the media release of Ketabon by clicking on the following link:

#DevelcoPharma #HMNCBrainHealth #ketabon #TreatmentResistantDepression #trd #DepressionTherapy #depression #pharma



Am Freitag, den 10.03.2023, haben wir gemeinsam den Start ins neue Jahr gefeiert. Schön, dass so viele da waren!
Es war ein gelungener Abend mit guter Stimmung für das #TeamDevelco.

#develco #pharma #teamdevelco #neujahrsfest



Dr. Martin Renner and Amit Tiwari were in New York for DCAT Week!

#develco #pharma #teamdevelco #DCATWeek #newyork



On February 1st, we welcomed two new employees at our location in Schopfheim, Germany. We are happy that Anna and Sarah are now part of #teamdevelco. With the two new colleagues joining, we are proud that we have exceeded 100 in Schopfheim. In total we are now 146 employees at Develco and very exited to continuously grow!

#develco #pharma #teamdevelco #newemployee #employee #exiting #growwithus



We are very proud to have Steffen in Develco and our Helmadis group as our new Chairman of the Board of Directors! The current chairman, Markus Zimmer, handed over to the newly elected Chairman Steffen Wagner. We thank Markus for period as interim chairman, are happy to keep him on the board and are looking forward to working with Steffen Wagner.

In the picture from left to right: Manfred Ulmer-Weber, Marc Fischer, Andrea Kramer, Markus Zimmer, Steffen Wagner, Andreas Miescher, Hélène Rey, Martin Renner. Missing from Board of Directors: Edi Kny, Valentin Scheer, Markus Enzelberger.

#develco #pharma #newchairman #board #boardofdirectors



Special Olympics Switzerland helps children, teenagers and adults with mental disabilities to develop mentally and physically in a sustainable way through sports. This encourages their self-esteem, their physical well-being, their independence and their courage to try new things.
Develco already took on sponsorships for 2022. We are happy that we can contribute again in 2023 to support people with mental disabilities. Like Special Olympics, Develco also hopes to create a world where everyone is welcome.
For more information, please click on the following link:

#develco #pharma #specialolympics #specialolympicsswitzerland #switzerland



The planning for our new Fluid Bed Dryer started a year ago. Last week, the 3.5 ton equipment was delivered. The Fluid Bed Dryer had to be transported through the roof of the production hall, which required extremely precise work. We are proud, that through good communication and teamwork, as well as technical expertise, the new equipment was safely transported into our production building.
„The installation went very well, and everything was well coordinated,“ says Daniel Kaiser, our technical manager. The roof was already closed again in the evening. Also on the following days, everything went very well with the installation of the remaining parts. Qualification will start to be operational with the new equipment in Q2.
With our new Fluid Bed Dryer, Develco is able to produce more important medicines for patients in need.
The Badische Zeitung also reported this exciting event – click on the following link to read more:

#develco #pharma #teamdevelco #new #teamwork



We were at CPHI 2022 in Frankfurt. It was great meeting you all!

#develco #pharma #cphi



We are excited and very proud that Develco has been awarded Top Formulation Development Outsourcing Company in Europe 2022 by Pharma Tech Outlook.
Develco is in the annual listing of 10 companies in Europe that are at the forefront of providing Formulation Development Outsourcing services and transforming businesses in the region.
„The art of creative drug formulation from active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) requires technical expertise and utmost precision. Innovative dosage forms or delivery systems direct a drug to its specific site of action and optimise the timing of the drug release. While enhancing patient comfort and convenience, these innovations can increase efficacy and promote better health care. Against this backdrop, Swiss-German pharmaceutical company Develco Pharma specialises in developing and manufacturing orally-administered modified release drugs and prolonged/ chrono-release drug delivery systems. Develco provides licenses of its curated products to international pharmaceutical companies for commercialization in their respective markets…“ (Pharma Tech Outlook, 2022)
To read the full interview with our CEO Martin Renner and Helene Rey, Research and Development, click here:

#develco #pharma #award #development 



Develco has delivered 1.5 billion units and more than 30 million packs until September 2022! 

We are very proud to have reached this milestone and to have delivered more than 1,500,000,000 units of our speciality products since Develco started production. In 2020, we had already reached the 1 billion mark. We are excited to continue producing and are targeting the 2 billion mark next. Each of these units helped a patient to suffer less.

#develco #pharma #units #tablets #capsules #milestone


Generic medicines are an important pillar to healthcare systems around the world. Just in Europe, they are estimated to save over 100 Billion Euros per year. In our continuous pursuit to increase access to these medicines, Develco is pleased to announce the first Decentralized Procedure (DCP) closure of its Tapentadol Prolonged Release Tablets. With several other DCPs and National Registration procedures lined up, covering the full breadth of dosage strengths, Develco is well slated to be the first or amongst the first wave of launches in Europe.

Development of generic medicines is a complex process and it requires a carefully designed formulation strategy, an exhaustive set of human bioequivalent studies and thereon a scale-up & transfer to commercial manufacturing. This DCP closure from European authorities comes on the back of several BE studies performed by Develco in Europe.  

Utilizing its innovative sustained released and modified release technology, Develco has developed and is developing several other Complex Generic, Branded and Life Cycle Management Products and would continue to support access of such important medicines to patients across the globe. 



The training of young people is a very important part of the working world. We at Develco are proud to support them and to call ourselves a training company since 2021.

We are happy to welcome a new Pharmaceutical Technician apprentice in our company this year. Phil together with Sanya and Aaron will form the new apprentice team. We warmly welcome Phil to the Develco team!

Sanya and Aaron successfully completed their first year and now started their second year. They have already worked in different departments. A big thank you goes to all colleagues involved in their training so far. Thank you for your effort, your time and your patience.

We couldn’t have asked for better trainees for the start of apprenticeship at Develco. Thank you for being on board!

A special thank you goes to Christine Mossbrugger, our head of training, for her dedication and engagement.

#develco #pharma #teamdevelco #apprentice #ausbildung2022 #azubi


Develco Pharma Schweiz AG
Hohenrainstrasse 12 D
4133 Pratteln – CH

Kontaktieren Sie uns:
Tel.: +41 61 425 50 20

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